FACE-IT Scientists Meet for Workshop on Ecosystem Function Changes in Rønbjerg, Denmark

[Published 17 May 2023]

From 14 to 17 May 2023, FACE-IT scientists involved in the research area Ecosystem Function Changes met at the field station of Aarhus University located at the Limfjord in Rønbjerg, Denmark. The workshop program covered the development of conceptual models on the future of Arctic fjords, and to further advance those into numerical models. Data mining for synthesis papers has been initiated as well as follow-up projects being discussed. In total, the 14 FACE-IT team members from Denmark, Norway, Svalbard, Greenland, France and Germany also met to prepare for upcoming deliverables as well as the next Annual Meeting.


Many thanks to our hosts Johnna Holding and Lars Chresten Lund Hansen from Aarhus University for their initiative to organise the workshop and for some inspiring, insightful, intense, and utmost enjoyable days of discussion.


Photos: Kai Bischof & Johnna Holding

People involved