FACE-IT project leader Kai Bischof presents future research needs for Arctic biodiversity at EU PolarNet town hall event

[Published 19 November 2024]

EU-PolarNet co-coordinates the EU Polar Cluster and, hence, is connecting all EU-funded polar projects. Furthermore, EU-PolarNet developed polar research priorities in close cooperation with stake- and rightsholders over the past years. As the project comes to an end in December 2024, a final symposium entitled “Together for the poles – Advancing European Polar Research through Collaboration“ provides the opportunity to share our results and experiences from nine years of collaborative work. This town hall event takes place in the Norway House in Brussels, Belgium, on 19 November 2024.

Kai Bischof (Marine Botany, University of Bremen), the project leader of the FACE-IT project presented the “Future research needs for Arctic biodiversity”, which have been co-developed together with our partner projects ECOTIP and CHARTER. Kai provided a brief impulse talk and participated the subsequent panel discussion. The jointly developed handouts on the five areas of “Results in and Research Gaps of Arctic Biodiversity Research” were alsp presented and offered to the event participants for take away.

The full programm of the event can be found on the homepage of EU-PolarNet.


Photos: Simon Jungblut (University of Bremen, Germany)

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